Thứ Bảy, 21 tháng 4, 2018

Deleted content ka error kaise remove kare

यदि आपके search console account में कोई error आता है तो आप उसे easily fix कर सकते हैं जिसके बारे में already आपको बता चुके हैं google search console account में error kaise fix kare और यदि आपनें अपनें blog पर published किसी content को delete कर दिया है तो आपके search console account में आपके blog के उस link ka crawl error आ जाएगा । इसे आप normally fix कर सकते हैं लेकिन next time जब google bots

Thứ Tư, 18 tháng 4, 2018

Why my adsense account is blocked

Why my adsense account is blocked

The main reason for blocking an Adsense account is to working unresponsible manner. Everyone knows that not easy to getting adsense approval, but when people's adsense account is approved, it is very important to think about what we do and what we do not do so that our adsense account will not be blocked and keep safe .

Just think adsense is not an item

Thứ Ba, 17 tháng 4, 2018

मेरा adsense account block kyun हो गया

मेरा adsense account block kyun हो गया

Adsense account के block होनें का मुख्य reason है गैर जिम्मेदारी से कार्य करना । हर कोई ये जानता है कि adsense का approve पाना easy नहीं है लेकिन जब लोगों का adsense account approve हो जाता है तो इस बात पर विचार करना बहुत जरूरी होता है कि हम ऐसा क्या करें और क्या न करें जिससे हमारा adsense account block होनें से बचा रहे

जरा सोचिए adsense कोई खेलनें की

What is ADCA and what is the full form of adca

Often, when people make the idea of ​​doing computer courses, then this question comes in their mind about what to do in computer courses. mean that which computer course who will gives better information in about computer .

So for most basic information like this, an average maximum people select adca and it is important for the next generation to know the about adca, because if you want to

PGDCA kya hai aur pgdca ka full form kya hota hai ?

PGDCA एक post graduate diploma hai जोकि computer के बारे में है जैसा कि आप सभी  जानते हैं कि adca kya hai और adca ka full form kya hai और dca kya hai dca ka full form kya hai बिल्कुल उसी तरह से pgdca भी hai लेकिन ये बात तो सच hai ही कि अगर इनके name में difference hai तो pgdca और इनके work में भी difference जरुर होगा

PGDCA , adca और dca से हटकर है क्योंकि आप dca , adca बिना graduate / bachelor

Thứ Hai, 16 tháng 4, 2018

Chủ Nhật, 8 tháng 4, 2018

Facebook paise kaise kamata hai ?

ये तो हर कोई जानता है कि facebook विश्व की सबसे बडी और सबसे ज्यादा popular social website है और ऐसे में जब कोई भी व्यक्ति ये जानकारी पाता है कि website के owners अपनीं website से paise earn करते हैं तो उनके भी मन में सवाल आता है कि facebook paise kaise kamata hai .

blogging se paise kaise kamaye
Outlook par email account kaise banaye
Internet se paaise kaise kamaye
Skype par account kaise

Thứ Bảy, 7 tháng 4, 2018

What is DCA and what is the full form of DCA ?

DCA is a course of computer which is also called a computer diploma, dca also is a computer diploma similar to adca and we have given information about what is adca and what is the full form of adca and today you will know that what dca and What is the full form of dca although have sime different in dca and adca but not too much because are are aspects associated with adca .

what is gmail

DCA kya hai DCA का full form kya hai

DCA मुख्यतः computer का एक course hai जिसे diploma भी कहा जाता है dca भी adca की तरह ही computer diploma hai और आपको हम adca kya hai और adca का full form kya hota hai जानकारी पहले दे चुके हैं और आज आप जानेंगे dca kya hai dca का full form kya hai although dca और adca में different तो है लेकिन बहुत ज्यादा नहीं क्योंकि ये dca और adca एक दूसरे से जुडे हुए पहलू हैं

Keyword kya hai kaise use kare

How can i add my analytic tracking code in blogger blog

You can easily add your google analytic tracking code in your blogger blog because you do not need to adding your analytic tracking scripting snippet because in the blogger have just easy system you need to only adding your google analytic tracking code .

Fot adding analytic tracking code in blogger blog first of all do copy your analytic tracking code .

1. go to

2. click on

How to write and publish post on blogger blog

This is a very easy step 

first of all you need to create your account on blogger but you are comes on the article how to publish article on blogger blog then defentely you have created a blog , so finally publishing article on your blogger blog follow these steps .

Open your blogger blog and click on new post 

here comes a writing box and many more 

write your content


Best Notepad app for android

मैनें बहुत सारे notepad apps try किए लेकिन मुझे सबसे अच्छा सिर्फ एक app लगा जोकि अभी भी मेरे phone में installed है

और उस best notepad app का name है gnotes आप इस android app का screen shot देख सकते हैं

वैसे तो अन्य भी बहुत से अच्छे notepads हैं लेकिन gnotes notepad में text search का option भी है जोकि किसी अन्य android notepad app में मुझे नहीं मिला

gnote notepad में आप अपनें हिसाब से

What is the gmail ? What is the mean of gmail id ?

We have already told you a lot of information about gmail, such as creating a gmail id, deleting a gmail id and even more information about gmail. But we did not give a information about gamil which was the important tell first of all what is gmail but no don't warry, we will give you information in this article today, what is gmail

What is the shortcut key of copy cut patse
What is the dp

Gmail kya hai ? gmail ka matalab kya hota hai?

हमनें gmail के बारे में बहुत सारी जानकारी पहले ही आपको बता दी hai जैसे कि gmail id बनाना gmail id delete करना और भी gmail के बारे में ढेरों जानकारी । लेकिन हमनें gamil के बारे कुछ जानकारी नही दी जोकि सबसे पहले बताना था मतलब कि gmail kya hai लेकिन कोई बात नहीं उस जानकारी को आज हम इस article में देंगे मतलब कि gmail kya hai

सबसे पहले तो यदि आप जानना चाहते हैं कि gmail kya hai तो आपको ये भी पता

Thứ Sáu, 6 tháng 4, 2018

what is the shortcut key of copy cut paste

If you know about the computer's shortcut keys, then you can use the computer more easily and today you will learn with the help of this article that the what is computer shortcut key of copy, cut, paste . There is a need for knowing the shortcut key of cut , copy , paste , so if we have to copy, paste anything on the computer then we can easily do this by shortcut keys and for copy , paste

Thứ Năm, 5 tháng 4, 2018

Copy paste cut ka shortcut key kya hai?

यदि आप computer के shortcut keys के बारे में जानते हैं तो आप computer को और अधिक आसानीं से use कर सकते हैं और आज आप इस article की मदद से जानेंगे कि copy , cut , paste ka computer shortcut key kya होता है अक्सर computer में ऐसे कार्य होते हैं जिनमें copy , paste  की जरुरत पडती ही hai तो अगर ऐसे में हमें copy , paste ka shortcut key पता होगा तो हमें बार बार mouse use करनें की जरुरत नहीं पडेगी


Audiobook par account kaise banaye

audiobook से आप ढेरों books download कर सकते हैं और audiobook का iPhone, iPad or Android app भी available है आप इन्हें अपनें phone पर  install कर सकते हैं और audiobook की books को direct app से ही manage कर सकते हैं

seo kya hai

वैसे तो audiobook paid version में है लेकिन audiobook नें अपनें new custumers / user के लिए 1 month free trial भी रखा है जिससे कि यदि आप audiobook को 1 month बिल्कुल

How to create an account on github ?

How to create an account on github

1. To create an account on Github, first you go to and you will see that sign up page on the github homepage. To create your account on github, fill this form.

2. Enter a name for your github account (you may not get github user name  as hou filled if any person have already entered this username), so you can try adding another github username .

Github par account kaise banaye

Github par account kaise banaye

Ebay par account kaise banaye

1. Github par account बनानें के लिए सबसे पहले आप  par जाइए और आप देखेंगे कि github homepage par ही sign up page open है । github par अपना account बनानें के लिए आप इस form को भरिए

2. अपनें github account के लिए कोई name डालें ( हो सकता है कि आप जो name डालें उसे already कोई व्यक्ति ले चुका हो तो वो github user name आपको

Thứ Tư, 4 tháng 4, 2018

What is DP and what is the full form of dp ?

DP is a word that is too famous, people also speaks dp but possibly many peoples doesn't knows that what is dp, what is the full form of dp, often on the whatsapp, facebook comes many messages and with from those messages many people knows that what is dp .

What is black hat seo
What are the advantage of blogging
What is white hat seo

This means that people understand that an image is

DP kya hai aur DP ka full form kya hota hai

DP एक ऐसा word hai जोकि काफी प्रसिद्ध है लोग DP DP बोलते भी हैं लेकिन शायद हर किसी को ये जानकारी नहीं होती है कि dp kya hai मतलब कि dp ka full form kya hai अक्सर whatsapp, facebook पर ऐसे messages images आते हैं जिनसे ये लोगों को ये जानकारी तो हो जाती है कि dp kya hai

Laptop aur computer me kya difference hai
ADCA ka full form kya hai
youtube 1000 views ke kitne paise deta hai
adsense se

How to create an account on Autodesk ?

How to create an account on Autodesk

You can also create your account on autodesk as well as you make your own account on other websites and aftr creating account on autodesk you can able to use autodesk products / services . We have already explained how to make an account on audiobooks and today our article will guide you to how to make an account on autodesk .

 let's start now to know

Thứ Ba, 3 tháng 4, 2018

how to create an account on audiobook ?

You can download a lot of books from audiobook and audiobook's iPhone, iPad or Android app is also available. You can install them on your phone and manage audiobook's books directly from the app.

Although audiobook is in paid version, Audiobook has also placed 1 month free trial for new custumers / users so that if you can use audiobook for 1 month absolutely free. Regardless of the audiobook